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Mountain Buggy Duet 3.0 as a Single Stroller

A buggy that truly grows with your family --The Duet 3.0 as a single stroller allows your little one to stay comfortable on outdoor adventures. Featuring a hand operated brake for full control and superior handling. The one-hand fast fold is compact, perfect for busy parents who are on-the-go. The innovative carrycot plus is designed to keep baby comfortable and easily adjusts from lie-flat mode to incline mode. Transform to a parent facing seat with an easy fabric switch. Features: Outstanding 'kerb-pop' -- perfect weight distribution allows for easy 'pop' of the front wheel for curbs and other obstacles. Hand-operated control break for total control of speed and maneuvering. Compact width 25''. Compact one-handed stand fold size. Tallest duet seats at 25.1 for comfort up to 4 years old. Reversible liners for extra comfort and easy cleaning. Extra storage with the joey clip-on tote bag offering 22 lbs of buggy storage. Full lie flat recline to upright offering versatility for baby's needs. 10'' air-filled tyres. Front wheel lock. Secure foot breaks for complete stop. Extra safety with 5-point harness. Adjustable leg rest for child's comfort. Peek-a-boo windows with magnetic fastenings. SPF 50+ flick out mesh visors. Multi-adjustable handle car for a more comfortable push. product weight: 33.2 lbs. 44.8'' L x 25.5'' W
Price: 599.99
