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Mountain Buggy Duet Double Buggy Stroller in Flint

Good things come in small packages! Duet is the world's first urban chic side-by-side double stroller that is the size of a single stroller. It is the slimmest side-by-side on the market that takes two travel systems or two single Mountain Buggy carrycots, and can glide through any doorway with ease.The duet gives side-by-side new meaning with its ease of maneuverability and slim, single buggy width. While it's lighter and more compact, the duet still packs a punch with robust engineering and ultra adaptability. Versatile, convenient, and compact, the Mountain Buggy duet double stroller can be used in either single or double mode to suit the changing needs of your family.This side-by-side stroller accommodates one child or two, from birth up to 5 years. The duet's slender, compact design and 10-inch tires make it easy to maneuver on urban streets or mountain trails, so you can enjoy the fun and freedom of an active lifestyle with kids in tow. stand out features: ultra slim twin buggy frame 25" - same width as a single stroller! weight - 34 lbs outstanding curb pop! Navigate city terrain with ease automatic frame lock - an instant click when folding tailfree harness - clever & tidy with no excess tail straps 'gate opening' bumper bar for easier access in & out of the main seat zip seat fabric, on and off the stroller frame quick release wheels for a more compact pack down compact fold (without wheels): height - 38", 12.5" takes 1 or 2 car seats using duet car seat adapters takes 1 or 2 single duet carrycots suitable for use as a single stroller with the joey tote bag suitable for newborn to 4 years, twins or siblings maximum individual seat load - 39.5 lbs (combined seat load - 79 lbs) quick twist and slide seat harness adjustment large, individual sunhoods with flick out sun visors for additional protection 2-mode front wheels - fixed straight or swivel comfortable strolling for any height and stride with adjustable handle includes bumper bar and bottle holder
Price: 649.00
