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Mountain Buggy Single Duet Stroller in Orange

Mountain Buggy is always revamping their strollers to offer you the best in the baby gear! The duet as a single, is the ultimate value solution for parents looking for a smart and cost effective buggy for a growing family. It delivers in unique single to double opportunities, all built on a proven innovative and award winning platform.This adaptable 4-wheel drive delivers the flexibility and freedom to live life without limit with one or more children, in the city or off the beaten track. Purchased as a single, duet offers maximum storage with the stylish joey clip-on tote bag, that sits alongside your child so you can keep both child and shopping all within arms reach. When the second child arrives, duet as a single cleverly converts to a side-by-side buggy with the additional family pack accessory which includes a lie flat carrycot (perfect for your newborn), the second duet fabric seat set and grab bar. In addition to using the carrycot or fully reclined seat for newborns, duet is also compatible with one or two infant car seats including Mountain Buggy protect, phil&teds alpha, Graco Click, Peg Perego Primo Viaggio, Maxi Cosi Mico, Chicco KeyFit and Cybex Aton (car seat adaptors sold separately). All this transformation is tidily done without the stress of changing the chassis width, as duet remains a single size width of 24.5". Features one hand fast fold stand fold with fabrics off the floor outstanding kerb pop! Navigate city terrain with ease automatic frame lock - an instant click when folding quick release wheels for a more compact pack down takes 1 or 2 car seats takes 1 or 2 NEW duet carrycot plus suitable for use as a single buggy, with the joey tote bag quick twist and slide seat harness adjustment 2-mode front wheels - fixed straight or swivel comfortable strolling for any height and stride with adjustable handle What's Included Duet Stroller Joey Tote Bag + Clips Reversible Liner Bottle Holder
Price: 529.99
