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phil&teds Sport Stroller in Cherry

Sport is the world's first auto stop inline set to revolutionise the way parents think about safety & convenience. Take baby's safety into your own hands! The sport stroller's hands-free auto stop brake allows for unpredictable parenting moments without the risk of your stroller rolling away. Attend to another child or search through your handbag with confidence. Auto stop allows parents hands free moments whether an older child pauses to take in an interesting sight, a mobile phone starts to ring or simply needing to rub a smudge off their glasses. Features: auto stop braking system: safe & convenient 26 riding options to accommodate 1 or 2 newborn babies up to 2 toddlers rear facing double kit option attach 1 or 2 car seats using sport car seat adaptors (car seat adaptor to attach a 2nd car seat not available in all markets) cleverly engineered 'kerb pop' for ultra light handling lightweight at just 12.5kg and 59cm narrow one hand fast fold & automatic frame lock easy adjust tail-free 5 point safety harness with shoulder pads for comfort multi height adjustable handle with comfort foam grip premium fabric deeper, taller & easily removed main seat seat back length: 64cm multiple seat positions from lie flat for a newborn baby to fully upright follow-the-sun hood with handy storage pockets one hand double kit recline moldable neck support on double kit (sold separately) for a younger baby large shopping basket 12" air filled tyres durable & easy clean plastic footwell 2-mode front wheel for multi terrain: swivel or lock straight
Price: 499.99
